
Anne Roux, MPH


Anne Roux, MPH

Identifying the role of Title V programs
A.J. Drexel Autism Institute - PA

I am a Research Scientist and Director of Policy Impact at the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute’s Life Course Outcomes Research Program at Drexel University. My research focuses on the investigation of life course outcomes of autistic transition-age youth and young adults - highlighting systems-level issues, equity within diagnostic and transition processes, and postsecondary employment and education. Additionally, I apply my training in health communication to the translation of research into products that inform decisions about federal and state programs and policies. In 2015, I produced the inaugural edition of the award-winning National Autism Indicators Report series, Transition into Young Adulthood, which was named by the NIH Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) as one of the top 20 autism science achievements of 2015, followed by a nomination of our report on Vocational Rehabilitation. My lead-authored scientific publications, including a seminal paper on employment outcomes for young adults with autism, have appeared in high-impact journals such as the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Autism Research, and the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. I will contribute to this ATRP grant via my knowledge of services, systems and policies that facilitate the transition to adulthood; insights gained from leading the Transition Odyssey pilot study for our ATRP grant (publications in submission); and extensive skills in dissemination strategies.

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